Does God Have A Line for Blessings?

One day at work, the song “I am Next in Line for my Blessings” came to my mind . While I was singing the song, the scripture about the woman with the issue of blood came back to my memory. A question also rose up in my spirit – What line was she in?

Faith Skips Any Line

Jesus was on his way to Jairus’s house to heal his daughter (Luke 8:41-56) but, while they were going, this woman with the issue of blood for all of 12 years was fed up with being sick. This was her opportunity to be healed and she was not going to let it pass. She said if I can but touch the hem of his garment, I will be made whole or be healed. She touched his garment and was healed.

Lessons To Take Away

What can be learned from this? There is no line for blessings or healing. God is not going to delay you because he is working on someone else’s blessing and he is preoccupied. If you mean business, God means business.

Jairus probably had a mindset that he was next but then this woman got her healing before his daughter. After studying the scriptures, we realize that the reason why Jairus’ daughter did not get healing before the woman with the issue of blood was because of his faith. The woman with the issue of blood had more faith than Jairus.

What do I mean by this? Jairus wanted Jesus to come home with him to heal his daughter. It would require Jesus to leave where he was to go to where Jairus’s daughter was. We later read about a Centurion’s servant who was also sick, but he didn’t bother Jesus to come home to heal him. He said just speak the word and it shall be done. Jesus did it and it was done.

This means if Jairus had the faith that the centurion had, then it could have also been done for him.

Jairus is not to be looked down upon because he didn’t have as great faith as the centurion. What we are to do is to take notes and learn. We may see individuals around us being blessed and we are wondering what about us? 

The time it takes to receive your blessings has nothing to do with the length of the “blessings line” but is more in line with your faith.

Please note Faith Pushes You To Act. Faith is not Passive.

If you have faith that God is not only able to bless you, but He desires to do so, then you will not stop seeking Him unto you get your blessings.

My question to you is “What line have you been waiting in?”